Professional Help on Essay Counterargument: Suggestions Provided by AUSTRALIA Experts

Academic essay writing tests your skills of arguing, how well you can use evidence, relate your ideas to the evidence to prove your readers that the thesis is true. But only contending your point in front of the readers will not help you to win their trust. You need to put a counterargument to present theories that are against your argument. Hence, readers get to know the both sides of the argument and decide which one is more reliable to believe.
Here are few ways to essay help counterargument,
Note: You should not make any counterargument just for the sake of it. Good essays carry counter views that help the writing advancing. Moreover, evaluators always welcome counterarguments even if they did not ask for it.
There are two stages of making a counterargument in essay writing,
  • Turn against your argument
  • Turn back to your argument to reconfirm it
The Turn Against –
When you first use your counterargument, you could introduce it by using a phrase like this, ‘one might object here……’ Or ‘it might seem that……’ Or ‘it is true that……’ Or ‘But if this is so…what about?’ These are few examples of phrases that you can use against your argument by clearly using evidence where possible.
The Turn Back –
You return to your own argument with using words like, but, however, yet, nevertheless, or still. You need to remember you already involved a counterargument, and you need to make double effort to make your argument more effective while writing analytical essays. In an effort to make your argument more effective, you may
  • Demonstrate the flaws in the counterargument that you presented
  • Acknowledge whether the counterargument validates, and suggests why it is relatively less important
  • Restate your thesis in more exact and qualified manner that takes account of the objection. Alternatively, you can start a new section where you position your argument in the light of it. If your counterargument undermines the whole case, you need a new thesis to support.
Where to position the counterargument?
You can put counterargument any place in the essay, but there are few specific places where it is preferred. You may include it,
  • As a part of your introduction – before you propose your thesis – where the existence of different has encouraged you to take certain essay topic.
  • As a section of paragraph just after the introduction in which you make your readers aware of the situations before turning away to develop your own
  • As a section of the paragraph just before the conclusion – where you can imagine counterargument can give your argument another shade of grey.
Remember to use counterargument wisely. A turn into your argument will sharpen and energize your essay, but too many like these will leave a reverse effect on your writing.
Before and After of Writing counterargument:
Critical thinking serves the base of essay writing, you need to question your ideas and thoughts. During the process of Australian essay help, you need to ask yourself how an intelligent person will make a disagreement with you. This will help you to see matters differently. It is not essential that only you can counter your thoughts. When you are starting your work, you can ask people around you about your chosen topic. You can pick up some useful disagreement from somewhere. If you happen to find a counterargument more authentic than your thesis, you better make it your thesis and turn your thesis into counterargument.
These few things will help you to create and position a counterargument to make your essay more authentic and reliable.


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